Onomatopoeia is a word that suggest sound. It used to be funny game during my school days when my friends used to challenge me to write what they say.While dictating the sentence to write , they will make noise by twisting their tongue and say write this!!! . That used to be the challenge and I had to accept my failure. Later when I learnt through an English teacher ( Any Indian man/woman who teaches that language will get a dual citizenship in England and will become "English" teacher) about this Onomatopoeia and he has given examples like Neigh referring the sound made by Horse.I heard the noise made by a horse several time and wondered how could some one say this as "Neigh.."May be it does not have any better way of expressing in words. Today in the online world,I see people using the same tactics to express their emotions - no matter whether it really sounds the same way or not. In response to a joke told online we see "ha ha ha"- we should understan...
As I was thinking the events happened last week,there were couple of hard, sad days....One of my workmate passed away leaving his family,mates in despair.This sudden, unexpected loss has put me in a state of mental unrest.Adding to the loss, the reason for this loss being lack of medical facility in this tiny nation has shook my confidence. Two weeks ago it was my another workmate's spouse and this week my mate- both succumbed to lack of quality emergency medical assistance. 1. When one of my staff told me that this person has died.Shocked, I asked "where is "he "now?" .But the reply came "It is in the hospital" .No matter how dear a person is to us...he /she becomes "It" the moment something which we do not know what it is has left our physical body. 2. When my employer decided to bear the expenses of repatriation of his mortal remains,I was asked to proceed.As a practice, I approached the airline ticketing counter to know the fare and o...
I have always been fascinated by the entertainments of this God man, Nithyananda aka HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam ( HDH refers to His Divine Holiness). Despite being a rape accused fugitive, he has been making rounds on the media for building his own nation, KAILASA and more recently for unveiling Kailasa currency through the Reserve bank of Kailasaš® Let us see some interesting, funny facts about Kailasa and its de facto head of the state. 1. Nitthi (as how he is fondly called by people who love him) is a smart man who calls his nation as an E-nation to avoid his followers and potential citizens of Kailasa asking him where it is located. There are speculations that Kailasa has been set up on a privately owned island off the coast of Ecuador or in the Turks & Caicos islands, Trinidad & Tobago in the Caribbean.However, these governments have been denying the entry and purchase of any island in their territory by Nitthi. 2. Buying a private island is not any thing new as m...
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