Moment of Triumph

While I am writing this, the 7th miner out of the 33 trapped miners from the Copiapo' mines of Chile has been rescued after a long 69 days of ordeal. We, in our day to day life boast or have seen people boasting silly things like achieving budgets,increasing sales,developing human talents, reducing costs,completing certain program of studies as "triumphs".

But when I was watching this live on my TV thousands of miles away from Chile sitting in Solomon Islands, it has given me the real meaning for the phrase " Moment of Triumph" which is "NOT just achieving the achievable things or achieving something which if not achieved by us today can be achieved tomorrow either by us or by someone else but "triumph" really means doing something with the highest level of determination,courage to save our own or someone's life in a critical condition which has unfortunately only one chance to do"

For the trapped miners struggling for 69 days ,half a kilometer down the earth surface with no sufficient air,light, space or anything else essentially required to survive it is really a " Moment of Triumph" as they have narrowly escaped death and for those master minds, technicians who were determined to bring the trapped miners out it is and will be the most precious " Moment of Triumph" in their entire life that they have fought with death and rescued these 33 lives which are the most precious thing for their families.

I join along with the entire world to celebrate this real "triumph".As I writing posting this blog, I got a pop up message highlighting that it is a response to a job advertisement from another " so called" Triumphant applicant who is blowing his own trumpet through his resume'......Life goes like that!!!


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