Luxury of living in a tiny country...

Today, I happen to see something which probably would not be possible in any country which the rules, security measures are rigid.I have seen 3 immigration officials waiting in the hotel lobby with their official seals and stamp pad- reason???? some of the guests of the hotel who are air crews have entered the country without getting their passports stamped by the immigration!!! and now when the immigration officials have realised it they are at the door steps of the passengers to affix " Entry made' seal in their passports. Though it looked like a WOW !! service by going out of your way, it has also made me feel why few countries are so fussy about their tight security at the point of entry and few are not.

Had it been in any other country may be in Australia- by now those passengers would have been arrested as illegal immigrants if they have managed to enter the country by escaping the tight security measure.

When you live in a tiny country ,you can enjoy few luxuries... like immigration officials coming to your door step to affix seal in your passports,sitting next to the prime minister in a restaurant,getting a subordinate who is son or daughter of the head of the country,to call the bureaucrats by their first name, making a plane to wait if you could not check in on-time.

If anyone of you have not got the privilege of enjoying these luxuries, check for a country in the world map which should look like one- fifth of a drop of ink, pack your bag to reach there and enjoy.

Warning :The size of the country should never be taken for granted-there are tiny city -states like Singapore or Kuwait also, but without these luxuries.


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