Private & Confidential

Privacy and Confidentiality is no doubt losing its meaning as we are technologically advancing.We all know that our personal data are being captured by various methods whenever we shop, we open a new email account, buy stuffs online, enroll for a lucky draw and by many other ways and such data are stored by someone who we do not know and could be transferred to stranger who surely does not require to have access to such data. Leave aside the data security and breaches happening due to technology and see these scenes where personal data are shared, sought for unintentionally due to human behaviour.

Scene 1 : At a Doctor's office:

I was at a Doctor's office along with my wife where he is giving me consultation on my medical examination and suddenly from nowhere a nurse barged in with some papers (perhaps, results of another patient for which the Doctor was waiting for), the Doctor gone through those repots and asked the nurse to call an elderly lady waiting at the corridor.When the lady came in, the doctor started giving her advices on how to take care of her husband at home without  even bothering that why we should be knowing about another patient's condition or how that lady would be feeling when her situation is being discussed in front of strangers. I guessed from their conversation that the report is for that lady's husband who is affected by rectal/colon cancer.

Scene 2 : In families :

It's common in Indian families for anybody and everybody to discuss about couple who don't have a baby within a 'stipulated' period and give free counselling to the husband and wife on topics ranging from when to have, how to have sex, which fertility centre or OBG are best for a quick result😕 without respecting their privacy or their views about having babies. If a couple is not having a baby it could be because of many reasons and is none of anyone's business to poke their nose in other's personal affair unless asked for any information or the couple chose to discuss about their plight, if the couple feels so.

Scene 3 : At a school:

A school has invited all parents for a meeting, followed by distribution of their son/daughter's exam progress report.The reports of both meritorious, average and not so good performers are issued to the parents and the student in a public room where all other parents and students can see & listen what is being discussed. The students who score less and their parents are embarrassed in front of others which is absolutely wrong.

In my opinion, I have seen Europeans, Americans too concerned about their privacy while Asians are very lenient about this. These common sights where other's privacy was not respected is due to lack of common sense and an acquired behaviour from the society that makes one assume that we have all rights to talk about the affairs or any body and everybody and a lack of empathy.                      

Though it is mostly done unintentionally, these behaviours need to change. 


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