Butlers are NOT who you think they are !

Disclaimer : read before proceeding >>> If you are from the hospitality industry, have worked as a Butler or have Butlers as your work mates, there's gonna be nothing new in this post for you. Perhaps, you can add your views to this post. Who are Butlers and where do they work? Butlers are not cooks as how it is commonly known in some societies and they are more than the impeccably groomed people we see in luxury hotels in their black suits.Their tasks are far more complex and they have a multi-faceted personality with immense professional training. Butlers are not just seen in luxury hotels but in palaces, private residences of Ultra High Net worth Individuals (UHNWI), official residences of the heads of state, private yachts corporate offices that host visitors, business luncheons and high teas and so on. Not all hotels will have or require Butlers to serve their guests. Some hotels will have butler services available in all its rooms while i...